Tuesday, May 5, 2009
The third free product presentation event on 19th May 2009 in New Jersey, US
With the positive feedback of first two presentations and to meet the increasing demand of training request, Top Tech has planned to hold the third presentation on May. This event is specially designed for IT consultants, IT services engineers, and computer repair stores owners who are determined to expand their business during this discouraging economic situation.
Detailed schedule of presentation:
Time: Tuesday May 19, 2009. From 9:00 am to 5:00 pmLocation: PC Warehouse, 3681 US Highway 9, Suite 25, Freehold, NJ 07728 (Located in the Freehold Mall)
Training outline:
1. The definition of broad sense Data Recovery, what is our pioneered 3+1 data recovery flow
2. Data Recovery tools available in market, what is the pros and cons respectively
3. Data Compass presentation (include the function, advantage and core technologies)
4. Data Compass live presentation (case study)
5. HD Doctor Suite presentation (include live case study , function, skills,)
6. HD Doctor Suite live presentation (case Study)
7. Hands on experience and case studies, you can bring your own defective HDDs for test.8. Ask questions
Top Tech has been our authorized Data Compass reseller, training partner and service provider since November 2008. Due to Data Compass’s satisfied performance and excellent after-sale service, Top Tech has achieved a great success. On the basis of mutual benefit and bring the real time service advantage to customers, Top tech and SalvationDATA both agreed that Top tech will take care of distribution, presentation/training, and support services for SalvationDATA products in eastern US.
Get to know more details about this free presentation, please kindly call us at (0086) 28 6859 9758 or email us at usinfo@salvationdata.com. And also you can directly contact our reseller in New Jersey: Tel: 001-732-866-9799, email: sddcusa@msn.com
Information about the second presentation survey form which completed by the attendees, please take a look at http://www.salvationdata.com/news/20090220.htm
Thursday, April 23, 2009
One Successful Story from One of My Client
Today, it is bright and breezy. I would like to share one successful story with all of you. Mike is one of my favorite client in US, from PC Recovery Lab. He is a pro and gave us a lot of useful suggestion. I am very thankful for his testing report. Well, He bought Data Compass in August from me.
Recently, he updated his standard version into premier one, with RAID recovery function inside it. He is very happy with the new v5.0 DC program. Below is the email from him. If anyone has data recovery problems, you can contact him at:
2508-A Johnston Street Lafayette, LA
70503 +1-337-326-4295 Tel
+1-877-470-9652 Fax
Original Email from Mike:
I wish to share BOTH Good and Bad. Not always only the problems, but also the successes. Today we received 2 Raptor HDD in RAID 0. We decide to try to build ARRAY with new DC 5.0 . We succeeded. So, we decided to share with you the positive success story.
Fourth generation data recovery software tools conquer the global market
Fourth generation data recovery software tools conquer the global market
(chinadaily.com.cn)Updated: 2009-04-23 14:23
In 2009, the term data recovery is gradually becoming a hot topic for IT users. Due to the aggravation of data loss caused by successive natural catastrophes in recent years, the technology of data recovery tools has become a huge focus in the information security field by retrieving billions of losses and showing its power strength to IT users who have suffered data loss. This technology has built a solid and secure defense line for the computer information security field, data backup and data recovery.
Data recovery can only be performed with the help of data recovery tools. However, few people, except professional technicians, are aware of how data recovery tools work. The following author's guide will help you understand the main force of data recovery work and data recovery tools.
Let's look at the development process of data recovery tools, including the process from sole logical data recovery to overall data recovery, which covers logical, firmware and physical levels containing four generations' worth of evolution.
The first generation consists of logical data recovery software which works in DOS mode and can make revisions to hex. Typical data recovery tool: PCTOOLS9. In the second generation, data recovery tools can work in Windows version to handle automatic recovery for partition loss and file deletion. Typical tools: EASYRECOVERY, R-STUDIO, WINHEX. Data recovery tools in the third generation are software or equipment which can tackle logical and firmware data recovery. Representatives: hard disk firmware and bad sector repair Program (HD Doctor Suite) from SalvationDATA and PC3000 hard disk repair cards. In the fourth generation, data recovery tools have evolved into integrated equipment for logical, firmware and physical recovery with the typical example: SalvationDATA Data Compass.
In the past, due to the limitation of technology data recovery tools in the first three generations all had sole function defects, complicated operation and low recovery success rates; this caused many unsolved problems in the data recovery field. The current success rate hovers at 80 percent and has made no progress for several years. As a result, fourth-generation data recovery tools came into being. Tools in this generation feature single click solutions with high intelligentized built-in features to combat the latest problems, and USB movable recovery features. In addition, all fourth generation tools feature high intelligentized design as well as easy operation. First-time users can operate the tools smoothly after learning them in only one day.
In the following, the author will introduce a new member to the data recovery field—the fourth generation data recovery tool which takes Data Compass (DC) as a representative. This tool marks the advent of the movable data recovery era, where the biggest advantage is that data recovery companies can use the tools to provide in-house service and involve customers in the entire process to prevent theft and wrongful distribution of important customer data.
DC, developed by SalvationDATA-State hi-tech enterprise, adopts the innovative design concept which comes from years' of data recovery experience. All the parameters are higher than other data recovery tools in the present market and can support nearly all hard disks from different manufacturers with large capabilities.
According to the development department, "DC is mainly designed for hard disks with severe bad sectors, damaged heads (including partial head damage or instable head after head swap) and RAID recovery. In the future, DC will support data recovery from various types of storage mediums, such as, USB sticks, SSD flash disks, etc. Its features of easy operation and short learning time dramatically reduce the requirement of user's expertise."
It is estimated that there are many professional data recovery companies who are using Data Compass since its first trial, and who are giving it high praise. As of March 2009, there were approximately 300 companies who were using Data Compass to complete hundreds and thousands of difficult tasks, including: Top Tech in the United States, MICRO MANAGEMENT SRL in Italy, RSE data recovery services in the Netherlands, Kroll Ontrack in Germany, Datatrack-Labs in the UK, Data Recovery in Sweden, Internet Owners Corporation in Japan, Stellar in India, etc. Besides being widely used in the data recovery field, Data Compass greatly contributes to computer forensics, education and training. Presently, Data Compass is the tool applied in training conducted by American data recovery specialist Mr. Scott. It is also the first tool chosen in assisting UK data recovery and training company Data Clinic and Italian Data recovery and training company MICRO MANAGEMENT SRL to provide professional data recovery services and training to people around the world. In a forthcoming demo in Milan held by Italy MICRO MANAGEMENT SRL, Data Compass will again reveal its powerful strength.
"Data Compass data recovery tools helps us to restore data from hard drives suffering from severe bad sectors, which are not able to be recovered with other tools in the DR market. By using the advanced Service Area (SA) emulation technology especially, it accesses the data from firmware defective hard drives directly. Also, multiple settings of the reading algorithm enable the optimization of data recovery from hard drives with poor performance of Head & Disk Assembly (HDA)", Zijian Xie, Research and Development Manager of UK Computer science labs, said.
We believe that the fifth and sixth generation data recovery tools will be created with SalvationDATA in the near future to help retrieve lost data for customers maximally. Which features will be contained in these tools? We'll have to wait and see what those future miracles will be.
(For more biz stories, please visit Industries)
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Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Flash Doctor
Since we announced our "SalvationDATA Universal Flash Recovery device" project (please refer to http://www.salvationdata.com/news/20090206.htm), we have been receiving emails of requests from our customers, also we've noticed that there were numerous discussions on this coming product on the forums. We truly understood the urgent need of a reliable flash recovery tool which covers a comprehensive flash device controllers, since there wasn't one available.
Today we are releasing an update on this product. Please visit us at the following link:
SalvationDATA Team
Monday, April 20, 2009
Update on SalvationDATA Universal Flash Recovery device - Flash Doctor
Since we announced our "SalvationDATA Universal Flash Recovery device" project (please refer to http://www.salvationdata.com/news/20090206.htm), we have been receiving emails of requests from our customers, also we've noticed that there were numerous discussions on this coming product on the forums. We truly understood the urgent need of a reliable flash recovery tool which covers a comprehensive flash device controllers, since there wasn't one available.
Today we are releasing an update on this product:1. The name of the product will be Flash Doctor; it will a stand-alone, hardware-software complex product specialized for data recovery from NAND flash chips.
2. According to the countless experiments and real cases sent by the customers (who own flash recovery tools from other companies but didn't manage to work it through), our success rate by now is around 50%-60% (please note that this is a result from all flash chips with all kinds of controller types we found and received, not from specific chips with specific controller types), of course we will continue working on it for improvement. But by now we can say we are at least several times powerful than other tools from other companies.
3. A model (sample) of the hardware included in the complex is also released. It reads the NAND interface chips and works through a USB cable connects to the computer, which has the software of the complex installed.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Approach to Raid Data Recovery
—How to recover a Raid 5EE Case
As we all know, in 1987, Patterson, Gibson and Katz at the University of California Berkeley, published a paper entitled "A Case for Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive Disks (RAID)". This paper described various types of disk arrays, referred to by the acronym RAID. The basic idea of RAID was to combine multiple small, inexpensive disk drives into an array of disk drives which yields performance exceeding that of a Single Large Expensive Drive (SLED). Additionally, this array of drives appears to the computer as a single logical storage unit or drive.
The Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) of the array will be equal to the MTBF of an individual drive, divided by the number of drives in the array. Because of this, the MTBF of an array of drives would be too low for many application requirements. However, disk arrays can be made fault-tolerant by redundantly storing information in various ways.
Five types of array architectures, RAID-1 through RAID-5, were defined by the Berkeley paper, each providing disk fault-tolerance and each offering different trade-offs in features and performance. In addition to these five redundant array architectures, it has become popular to refer to a non-redundant array of disk drives as a RAID-0 array.
Data Striping
Fundamental to RAID is "striping", a method of concatenating multiple drives into one logical storage unit. Striping involves partitioning each drive's storage space into stripes which may be as small as one sector (512 bytes) or as large as several megabytes. These stripes are then interleaved round-robin, so that the combined space is composed alternately of stripes from each drive. In effect, the storage space of the drives is shuffled like a deck of cards. The type of application environment, I/O or data intensive, determines whether large or small stripes should be used.
Most multi-user operating systems today, like NT, Unix and Netware, support overlapped disk I/O operations across multiple drives. However, in order to maximize throughput for the disk subsystem, the I/O load must be balanced across all the drives so that each drive can be kept busy as much as possible. In a multiple drive system without striping, the disk I/O load is never perfectly balanced. Some drives will contain data files which are frequently accessed and some drives will only rarely be accessed. In I/O intensive environments, performance is optimized by striping the drives in the array with stripes large enough so that each record potentially falls entirely within one stripe. This ensures that the data and I/O will be evenly distributed across the array, allowing each drive to work on a different I/O operation, and thus maximize the number of simultaneous I/O operations which can be performed by the array.
In data intensive environments and single-user systems which access large records, small stripes (typically one 512-byte sector in length) can be used so that each record will span across all the drives in the array, each drive storing part of the data from the record. This causes long record accesses to be performed faster, since the data transfer occurs in parallel on multiple drives. Unfortunately, small stripes rule out multiple overlapped I/O operations, since each I/O will typically involve all drives. However, operating systems like DOS which do not allow overlapped disk I/O, will not be negatively impacted. Applications such as on-demand video/audio, medical imaging and data acquisition, which utilize long record accesses, will achieve optimum performance with small stripe arrays.
A potential drawback to using small stripes is that synchronized spindle drives are required in order to keep performance from being degraded when short records are accessed. Without synchronized spindles, each drive in the array will be at different random rotational positions. Since an I/O cannot be completed until every drive has accessed its part of the record, the drive which takes the longest will determine when the I/O completes. The more drives in the array, the more the average access time for the array approaches the worst case single-drive access time. Synchronized spindles assure that every drive in the array reaches its data at the same time. The access time of the array will thus be equal to the average access time of a single drive rather than approaching the worst case access time.
The different RAID levels
RAID Level 0 is not redundant, hence does not truly fit the "RAID" acronym. In level 0, data is split across drives, resulting in higher data throughput. Since no redundant information is stored, performance is very good, but the failure of any disk in the array results in data loss. This level is commonly referred to as striping.
RAID Level 1 provides redundancy by writing all data to two or more drives. The performance of a level 1 array tends to be faster on reads and slower on writes compared to a single drive, but if either drive fails, no data is lost. This is a good entry-level redundant system, since only two drives are required; however, since one drive is used to store a duplicate of the data, the cost per megabyte is high. This level is commonly referred to as mirroring.
RAID Level 2, which uses Hamming error correction codes, is intended for use with drives which do not have built-in error detection. All SCSI drives support built-in error detection, so this level is of little use when using SCSI drives.
RAID Level 3 stripes data at a byte level across several drives, with parity stored on one drive. It is otherwise similar to level 4. Byte-level striping requires hardware support for efficient use.
RAID Level 4 stripes data at a block level across several drives, with parity stored on one drive. The parity information allows recovery from the failure of any single drive. The performance of a level 4 array is very good for reads (the same as level 0). Writes, however, require that parity data be updated each time. This slows small random writes, in particular, though large writes or sequential writes are fairly fast. Because only one drive in the array stores redundant data, the cost per megabyte of a level 4 array can be fairly low.
RAID Level 5 is similar to level 4, but distributes parity among the drives. This can speed small writes in multiprocessing systems, since the parity disk does not become a bottleneck. Because parity data must be skipped on each drive during reads, however, the performance for reads tends to be considerably lower than a level 4 array. The cost per megabyte is the same as for level
Since our case study is for a RAID 5EE case, so we need to get to understand RAID level-5EE
(Note: This feature is not supported on all controllers.)
RAID level-5EE is similar to RAID level-5E but with a more efficient distributed spare and faster rebuild times. Like RAID level-5E, this RAID level stripes data and parity across all of the drives in the array.
RAID level-5EE offers both data protection and increased throughput. When an array is assigned RAID level-5EE, the capacity of the logical drive is reduced by the capacity of two physical drives in the array: one for parity and one for the spare.
The spare drive is part of the RAID level-5EE array. However, unlike RAID level-5E, which uses contiguous free space for the spare, a RAID level-5EE spare is interleaved with the parity blocks, as shown in the following example. This allows data to be reconstructed more quickly if a physical drive in the array fails. With such a configuration, you cannot share the spare drive with other arrays. If you want a spare drive for any other array, you must have another spare drive for those arrays.
RAID level-5EE requires a minimum of four drives and, depending upon the level of firmware and the stripe-unit size, supports a maximum of 8 or 16 drives. RAID level-5EE is also firmware-specific.
The following illustration is an example of a RAID level-5EE logical drive.
RAID level-5EE example
Start with four physical drives.
Create an array using all four physical drives.
Then create a logical drive within the array.
The data is striped across the drives, creating blocks in the logical drive. The storage of the data parity (denoted by *) is striped, and it shifts from drive to drive as it does in RAID level-5E. The spare drive (denoted by S) is interleaved with the parity blocks, and it also shifts from drive to drive.
If a physical drive fails in the array, the data from the failed drive is reconstructed. The array undergoes compaction, and the distributed spare drive becomes part of the array. The logical drive remains RAID level-5EE.
When you replace the failed drive, the data for the logical drive undergoes expansion and returns to the original striping scheme.
Advantages and disadvantages
RAID level-5EE offers the following advantages and disadvantages.
· 100% data protection
· Offers more physical drive storage capacity than RAID level-1 or level-1E
· Higher performance than RAID level-5
· Faster rebuild than RAID level-5E
· Lower performance than RAID level-1 and level-1E
· Supports only one logical drive per array
· Cannot share a hot-spare drive with other arrays
· Not supported on all controllers
Recently, we successfully retrieved data from it by using Data Compass from SalvationDATA.
Firstly, you need image all the drives into files. Then run the Data Compass Controller and Program:
In Data Compass, RAID utility supports both “automatic mode” and “manual mode” of analysis. We will introduce how to analyze a RAID 5EE system in automatic mode first:
Select Analysis Mode
First select the analyzing mode; then we only need to define the Number of Segment Disks (the original number of disks in the RAID system), RAID Type and RAID Manufacturer. In this example, we have 4 segment disks, RAID type is RAID 5EE and from MANUFACTURER_Standard
Please Note: the IBM RAID controller is SNIA Compatible; all manufacturers belong to MANUFACTURER_Standard, aside from AMI, HP/COMPAQ and DYNAMIC Disk.
The next step is to import RAID segment disks, they can be disk image or physical disk; in automatic mode, users can import the segment disks by random sequence, the program will work out the actual order.
Import Segment Disks
Click “Apply’’ after importing all the segment disks, then program will analyze segment disk sequence and the storage method according to these setting information, and return with all parameters.
Analysis Finishes
Remark: How to understand the returned HDD sequence
HD0, HD1, HD2 and HD3 on the left side represents the importing sequence of the segment disks (this sequence means nothing indeed); on the right side represents the native sequence of the segment disks. For example, the native segment sequence in this case study is, which means the segment you imported as HD3 is actually the first segment disk in the RAID system, HD1 is the 2rd, HD2 the 3rd and HD0 the 4th.
By clicking the OK button next to the “Apply” and “Stop” button, program will try to open the virtually created RAID system and display the partitions and files in the DCEXP interface.
Partition of the RAID system shows up in DCEXP
Double click the needed partition, and double click ROOT to show folders and files.
Now users can recover the needed files just like recovering data from a normal HDD.
Second, we will introduce how to analyze a RAID 5EE system in manual mode:
When select Manual Setting, all the parameters should be set manually and you need to know the native sequence of the segment disks (in case you don’t know, work it out by trial and error) and other parameters marked in red frame. In this case, the Number of Segment Disks should be 4, with RAID Type 5EE. Manufacturer Standard, Block Order is RIGHT_ASYNCHRONOUS and Stripe Size is 8KB.
1. The IBM RAID controller is SNIA Compatible; all manufacturers belong to MANUFACTURER_Standard, aside from AMI, HP/COMPAQ and DYNAMIC Disk.
2. Delay is only available in HP/COMPAQ RAID system; users don’t need to set this option for RAID system of other manufactures.
3. For all the RAID system of HP/COMPAQ and some of other manufactures, users need to set Header Size for analysis. The Header Size need to match different RAID system and users normally set it by trial and error according to experience. In this case we don’t need to set the header size, because there is no Header Size (offset) in this RAID system.
After that, import the segment disks exactly in the native sequence. In this case, the third segment drive was lost.
After setting, click “Apply” button and wait until you receive the below message:
By clicking the OK button next to the “Apply” and “Stop” button, program will try to open the virtually created RAID system and display the partitions and files in the DCEXP interface.
Attention: If the parameter set is incorrect and program can’t acquire the partition, users need to reset the parameter and try again *(Manual Mode is a process of trial and error).
Double click the needed partition, and double click ROOT to show folders and files.
Now users can recover the needed files just like recovering data from a normal HDD.
From the above case study, we know that the basic steps to recover a RAID case. Nowadays, the Raid is widely used by corporations, and large businesses, the storage efficiency is raised thank to this technology. But it doesn’t mean it is worry free for our crucial data. Data Recovery is remedial way and our last choice of no choice. The key of data security is BACKUP, no other shortcuts.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
New version of Data Compass UDMA (Windows) released!-
The new version 5.00 Data Compass Package
------ Update Log for v5.00 ------Date: 2009-4-13Current Version: 5.00
1. New feature: Drive Cache Repair has been appended. Drive cache malfunction has been a typical problem for Maxtor HDD and Seagate Barracuda 7200.7 and 7200.11 HDD, which manifests itself as the following: Hard drive can be detected normally, but any attempt to access the data area return with error. In some cases, users may avoid this problem by trial and error, such as reverse imaging to extract data, but most of the time it doesn’t work. This new feature corrects the cache problem and it works for most of these kinds of errors.
2. New feature: RAID recovery utility is appended. More details.
3. New feature: Recovery from Image File has been appended. This feature allows users to open an drive image in the program and recover data directly from the image.
4. Head Map Creation Error (Code 01) configuration limitation has been removed. Details about this limitation here.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Important Notificaiton--RAID Update for DC Users
Dear Customers,
The new Data Compass Premium with the RAID Recovery Add-On has been released today. From now on, Data Compass will be offered to our customers in 2 different versions- Standard (without RAID recovery add-on) and Premium (with RAID recovery add-on)- in different prices.
However, to show our acknowledgment to the continued support from our customers, all Data Compass purchased before April 2nd, 2009, which is the release day of the add-on, can be upgraded from Standard to Premium free of charge, it only requires users to spend several minutes to finish a simple application.
To finish the online application, just visit the address listed below (or you can copy the entire address and paste to your browser):
Instruction will be sent to you on receipt of your application to help you to finish the upgrade online.
SalvationDATA Team
Monday, March 30, 2009
Rapid released solution for Head Map Creation Error (Code 01)
Since DCEXP was developed the feature of reading data by selective head(s), we have received many positive perspectives worldwide that DCEXP can bring real business benefits by providing more efficient usability. However, according to 3 users of Data Compass, it will report “Code: 01 error” and/or “conversion error” when they tried to perform this function on the “Head Map Creation” step.
Here is our engineers’ report through substantive researches and tests on this issue:
The problem was caused by a limitation of current version of Data Compass:
Computer built-in flash card readerSome personal computers and notebook computers have a built-in card reader for SD Memory, Compact Flash, Memory Stick, Multimedia Card, etc.; and some of them will occupy the primary USB channel by default, even there is no flash cards inserted.
Users can solve this problem by disabling the built-in card reader device in the computer’s device manager.
USB storage devices attached
In case users attached USB storage devices to the computer (external drive, USB drive, etc.) prior to Data Compass, they will occupy the primary USB channel which is required for Data Compass to perform the “Head Map Creation”, causing the “conversion error”.
Users can simply solve this problem by connecting DC Console prior to any other USB storage device (for example, the ShadowDisk).
Beta testing of the new version of Data Compass with RAID recovery Add-Onwill be completed soon. As always, it will be available for all official users of client forum after testing process is completed. The above mentioned limitation will also be removed then.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Data Compass RAID Recovery Utility is releasing!
As we know, RAID recovery is one of the most complicated recovery processes, and therefore the cost is always very expensive.
Therefore, we engineered the cutting edge RAID recovery technology as a built-in utility in DC for the purpose of RAID system diagnosis and recovery. Now besides the capability in handling physical and logical defective hard drives, Data Compass becomes capable for RAID recovery, making Data Compass the equipment with the best cost performance ever.
1. Why RAID recovery?
RAID system may be fault-tolerant, but they are not fault proofing. While most commercial RAID implementations can tolerate the loss of a single hard drive, if bad things happen to the RAID controller or configuration (lost, damaged, reset by mistake…), your data may be compromised, thus data recovery is necessary.
RAID systems are susceptible to the same ailments that plague single hard drives, such as viruses, logical problems, human error, and physical damage. Moreover, due to their complexity, they may suffer from additional points of failure, such as server registry configurations lost, accidental RAID drive reconfigurations, RAID controller failures and multiple drive failures.
2. Basic principle of the RAID Recovery Add-onThis utility will extract the data from multiple HD in a RAID system, and work to rebuild the correct data according to a variety of RAID data array, independent from hardware array card or server system. The essence of the RAID recovery procedures is to crack the algorithm of a variety of RAID cards, or simulate the RAID card to read data intersperse among multiple segment hard drives and recompose it in a correct form to a new storage medium by analyzing the data structures of the multiple segment hard drives in the RAID system directly.
3. More Details about the RAID Recovery Add-on
Supported RAID Series
SNIA (Storage Networking Industry Association) Common RAID Disk Data Format Specification Revision 01.00.00 Compatible RAID 0, RAID 5, RAID 5E and RAID 5EE.
SNIA (Storage Networking Industry Association) Common RAID Disk Data Format Specification Revision 01.00.00 Incompatible RAID 0, RAID 5, RAID 5E and RAID 5EE, includes the following vendors and types:
AMI Linux-standard
backward/ forward parity Dynamic
Supported RAID Type
Supported Data Source Type
ISO segment drive image;
Original physical segment hard drive.
Supported File System with DirectView/ DirectExtract Operation
FAT File System
NTFS File System
Ext2/Ext3 (supported after planned upgrade)
Supported Working Modes
Automatic Analysis, which works in the following cases
When there are segment drives missing;
When the MBR is missing
When MBR is not on sector 0
When partition linked list is corrupted
Automatic analysis and reconstruction of: RAID Disk Array, starting position of the data, stripe size and stripe order: Left Asynchronous, Left Synchronization, Right Asynchronous and Right Synchronization.
High efficiency
Manual Analysis
Similar to WINHEX, but with a easy, quick and smart operation; users can have DirectView® to the data through DCEXP utility, so to verify the manually set parameters quickly and easily.
4. What Can Data Compass Do Now:
Data recovery from physically damaged HDDs is what Data Compass designed for.
Data recovery from HDDs with severe multiple BAD sectors, which appear because of platter surface scratch or malfunction or instability of the magnetic head assembly (MHA).
Data recovery from HDDs that start to produce "clicking" sounds, which may be caused by corruption of sector servo labels or a MHA malfunction. If some heads or surfaces are damaged it is possible (before installation of MHA replacement) to create a copy of data using the remaining good surfaces or drive heads.
Availability of tools for logical analysis of FAT (DBR, FAT and FDT corruption) and NTFS (DBR and MFT corruption) file systems in the software complex allows data recovery in cases, when a drive is functional and only logical data structure is corrupted.
When used with malfunctioning drives, Data Compass complex often allows selective extraction of data necessary to your customers without reading all data from a drive ("recover data by file" without creating a complete disk image) saving a lot of time. In some cases, when drive malfunctions cause constant self-damage (like scratches on disks or instable MHA) these are the only means to accomplish this task. With the ShadowDisk technology adopted, users need not to worry about the drive degradation problem.
Automatically rebuild and recovery from RAID system
5. Why shall I use Data Compass RAID Utility and not any other DR programs of other companies?
Here are the main differences of Data Compass RAID Utility compared with numerous data recovery programs of other companies:
With Manual Analysis available only; complicated operation always in need of experience and expertise.Does not support RAID 5E and RAID 5EE.
Run Time
With Automatic Analysis available only; users can not have DirectView® of the rebuilt data; inconvenient operation.Does not support RAID 5E and RAID 5EE.
With Manual Analysis available only; complicated operation always in need of experience and expertise.Does not support RAID 5E and RAID 5EE.
Note: The new version of DC with the RAID Recovery Add-on will soon be released in 2nd April. From then on, Data Compass will be offered to our customers in 2 different versions- Standard (without RAID recovery add-on) and Premium (with RAID recovery add-on)- in different prices. Meanwhile, to show our acknowledgment to the continued support from our customers, all Data Compass purchased before April 2nd, 2009, which is the release day of the add-on, will be upgraded from Standard to Premium free of charge.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Examples of application:Data Compass Case Study
Examples of application:
1. Recover data from Hitachi 4240 with physical defects
2. Image from HDD with serious bad sectors in Data
3. Recover data from Hitachi with physical defects in data area
5. Quick data recovery using HOT SWAP trick in Data Compass
6. To solve the problems of OS loading the HDD Partition Automatically
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Data Compass Tryout: make sure it is the Right Tool You Need
PCWare House will provide sample units of Data Compass to potential clients for test and evaluation. All DR companies can take participate in this program, and those companies who have been customers of SalvationDATA have the privilege, especially for our return clients who have strong interest in evaluating Data Compass before purchasing. The purposes of this program are:
To Encourage potential clients to invest wisely;
To reduce the risk of investment in the recession;
To show our confidence on our product.
In order to ensure the event can achieve the best result, we hope all candidates can read the following remarks carefully:
The Steps of Participating in this activity:

Applicants complete the online Data Compass Free Trial Application Form and Submit to PC Warehouse
PC Warehouse checks out the qualifications of all applications;
PC Warehouse informs and signs the “Data Compass Trail Agreement” with the approved applicants;
PC Warehouse delivers the trial Data Compass to Clients.
Notice: PCWARE House and SalvationDATA reserve the right of final explanation about the product trial program.
More details are in the Trial Agreement, please contact
PCWare House at Top Tech Inc. Dba PC Warehouse
Add: 3681 highway 9, suite 25, Freehold, NJ 07728, USA
Contact person: James Gao
Tel: 001 732 866 9799 Email: sddcusa@msn.com
Web: www.pcwdatarecovery.com
SalvationDATA "Experience of Expertise" soliciting program
SalvationDATA "Experience of Expertise" soliciting program
Today we launched our “Experience of Expertise” soliciting program, which is a part of our “Customer Experience Improvement” project, to maintain good communications and to share your experiences in data recovery solutions, so that your expertise can be acknowledged by clients and other professionals worldwide.
1. What is the “Experience of Expertise” soliciting program? The program is designed to allow our users to share their experiences with SalvationDATA products in a form of case study and/or testimonials; at the same time, if your piece of work is selected, SalvationDATA will carry out further promotion in a follow-up campaign, which makes your expertise and your own business better acknowledged amongst customers and professionals in the data recovery industry. We hope that, via this program, more materials or tricks of using our products, as a supplement to the official materials, can be shared with everyone in this field, and meanwhile getting more attraction from this field back to you.
What’s more, customers take part in this program whose case studies and/or testimonials are selected for further promotion campaign will be awarded latest products of SalvationDATA free of charge:
Rank 1: Data Compass
Rank 2: Flash Recovery Equipment (New product coming soon)
Rank 3: HD Doctor
2. How to get enrolled in the program? Details about the program:
Participant: Users of SalvationDATA (SD) tools; SalvationDATA employees and partners are forbidden. Program period: From March 1st to July 31st Participants should release their case studies and/or testimonials in the specified plate of our client forum directly or in a form of attachment, where visitors are invited to vote for your works. We suggest that it should maintain the clear and accessible style for case studies, plus, well-written and well-illustrated for testimonials. The final result will be announced on the official website.
1. Case study:Any useful and relative video for hard disk drive repair and data recovery with SalvationDATA products are welcomed. It can cover HD HPE PRO, HD Doctor Suite, and Data Compass, whatever. In a word, it will be about the solution of our tools for your problems.
2. Testimonial: Otherwise, it can be a form of testimonials, to share with us your own opinions on SalvationDATA products or a comparison with other tools currently available in the market. It is better to present user experience and application method, or application tricks on our HD HPE PRO, HD Doctor Suite and Data Compass.
For further information on this program, please contact us.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
The 2nd Data Compass Demonstration Show in New Jersey, USA
The 2nd Data Compass Demonstration Show in New Jersey, USA
As the first Demo Show was a great success, more clients demand another demo show to know more about data recovery and data compass. SalvationDATA also wants to provide an opportunity for potential clients to see how Data Compass works before buying. So the 2nd Data Compass Free Demo Show will be held in this month.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
PC Warehouse,3681 US Highway9, Suite25, Freehold, NJ07728 (Located in the Freehold Mall) (Google Map)
Door Open:
9:00am – 10:00am Check in/Register/Free Breakfast Refreshment
Demo Show Start:
10:00am- 12:00pm Fundamental of data recovery
Lunch Break:
12:00pm- 1:00pm Free Lunch Buffet at Freehold Grand Buffet
2nd Demo Show:
1:00pm - -5:00pm Data Compass demo show and Case Study
Demo Outline:1. What is Data Recovery? (3 levels of data recovery)2. How hard drive works, how many kinds of hard drive in the market. Each brand has what of its own character.3. What tools we use when we do data recovery?4. Why we need DC (data compass) to do data recovery? How it works.a. DC new technologies.b. What are advantages of DC?c. What benefit you will get when you use DC.5. How to use DC. (Introduce DC each function)6. Introduce Service Area Emulation Technologies and Shadow Disk Technologies.7. Hands on Experience. (Case Study)
More details about the free Demo show, please kindly call us at (0086) 28 6859 9758 or email us at usinfo@salvationdata.com. And also you can directly contact our reseller in New Jersey: Tel: 001-732-866-9799, email: sddcusa@msn.com
Get to know the first Demo Show on 20th Jan 2009.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Imaging by selective head(s) was built in Data Compass
The head map building is realized using the command for LBA-CHS conversion, the engineers know such command so that by initializing the conversion using the utility, the drive will be informed to carry out LBA-CHS conversion and return with a LBA-Head realation
For more information, pls refer to our attached data sheet
Friday, February 6, 2009
New feature for HD Doctor: ROM content automatic recovery for WD ROYL
New feature for HD Doctor: ROM content automatic recovery for WD ROYL
Our ROM content automatic recovery feature for WD ROYL series HDD has been worked out, now we are doing the necessary tests (besides this feature, there are other new features included in the coming upgrade), all of them will be released to our customers free of charge as usual.
This feature is critical as it is well-known that the ROM of WD ROYL series HDD contains unique adaptive parameters, thus users can not replace the native PCB (or ROM) with another for data recovery in case the native PCB (or ROM) is damaged or lost. With this new appended feature, it is enough just to place any PCB (or ROM) of the same family to HDA and choose "ROM Rebuild"; HD Doctor will synthesize native ROM content from the SA information stored on the platter and overwrite the donor one in automatic mode.
The main difference between our technology and our competitor is that: they synthesize ROM content by using donor firmware backup because they can't access the native SA when the drive is working with donor PCB; our technology allows users to access the SA in slow-read mode, so we can use the native SA information to synthesize native ROM content, thus users do not need to own a donor copy of firmware. This makes difference of success and failure in case you don't have a donor
SalvationDATA Universal Flash Recovery device is on the way
SalvationDATA Universal Flash Recovery device is on the way--- support a wide variety of flash based storage device like flash memory, SSD, SD card, CF card, etc.
Along with the fast growth of technology, flash based storage devices become more involved in our daily life, from SD card, CF card to USB disk, flash memory. To store those critical data related in work or life, most people have several USB disks with different storage capacities.
The same as other storage devices, there is also the risk of data loss of flash memory. As you might know, a simple data loss case can be recovered via some logical data recovery software, however, comes to the case that the flash memory can not be recognized by computer, where these logical data recovery software never work.
There are currently many flash memory chips recovery tools out there, but a huge flaw is that, the extreme limitation of support list, even matched one in ten with the flash memory series available in market. Because of the limitation of support list, many customers have negative perspectives on these tools, saying that they are not cost-effective.
The essential matter that makes data recovery difficult is that the chip embedded in flash memory.
The method adopted in current devices is to analyze flash memory chips byte by byte, to know better of the data storage arithmetic from the chips, the more effective resolution to data recovery can be worked out. There’s a difference between flash memory and hard drive, where hard drive can be produced by only a few competitive manufacturers, on the other hand, the remainders are still using the method designed for hard drive repair tools. It means no other analysis the chips than the tools can support the chips. That’s why these kinds of tools will not be able to catch up in the real world, no matter how hard work was made to improve or provide updates by those manufacturers. As we probably know, the cost of flash memory is relatively low and less technology-intensive. Now a hundreds of thousands vendors are providing flash memory series, meaning hundreds of thousands models and brands can be seen everywhere in the market, even a single vendor has all different flash memory series, which means the data storage arithmetic is probably different. In this case, to figure out a solution from the numerous arithmetic is absolutely not a wise way.
Therefore, no matter how they update or improve their products and soon it will turn out unsatisfied by their customers. Of course, some manufacturers keep producing these products on profiting purpose by their update versions.
SalvationDATA has been aware of these facts, and uniquely designed an algorithm known as universal arithmetic, to extract flash memory chips out, put them to a special reading workstation device, so it will image all the data from the chips, access the data directly via a program. Its strength lies independent from the chips data storage arithmetic, and analyze data effectively from flash memory chips. In theory, it supports all the flash memory chips, whatever single-chip or multichip. It also support a wide variety of flash based storage device like SSD, SD card, CF card, TF card, etc. Once you have purchased this flash recovery device, we ensure you no extra charge for its future updates. This is a breakthrough data recovery solution in the world for flash memory based storage devices.
Since SalvationDATA entered into the field of data recovery device R&D in 2002, the main focus of us is to design easy to use applications for users, continuously release cost-effective products like HD Dotor, Data Compass, and so on. The new flash recovery device adopts this concept. Besides its powerful functions, the price will be attention-attracting: cost only $1300 US dollars, plus lifelong free update services.
Today SalvationDATA has completed the R&D work, moving forward to the phase of produce. It will be in the market soon in May, 2009. To know more about it, please contact us directly.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Case Study Download for SalvationDATA Products
SalvationDATA Maxtor Hard Drive Firmware and Resource Files Download Example Applicationhttp://www.salvationdata.com/downloads/ ... wnload.pdf
Tutorial for head disabling (enabling) on Maxtor 6H HDDhttp://www.salvationdata.com/downloads/ ... -DEPOP.pdf
MT Depop Sections operationhttp://www.salvationdata.com/downloads/ ... ration.pdf
Recognition course for ROM file of Maxtor 6 Y HDD.http://www.salvationdata.com/downloads/ ... Study7.pdf
Redefine the Primary Head of Maxtor 6Y Series Drive。http://www.salvationdata.com/downloads/ ... Study6.pdf
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Breakthrough on data recovery from HDD in F Level from SalvationDATA

In January 17, 2009, SalvationDATA Technology, the leading solution provider of data recovery products and services, announced its pioneered technology breakthrough which enables data recovery from Seagate HDD with F Level problem; this is a critical step forward for data recovery industry.
The Difficulty: Data recovery from Seagate HDD working in F LevelThe issue of “F Level” is a common problem in HDD repair and data recovery of Seagate HDD. Then, what is “F Level”? Vender commands of Seagate HDD are grouped into different levels for the purpose of convenient management. F Level means that the HDD works only with PCB (Printed Circuit Board), which is independent from HDA (Head and Disk Assembly) case.
F Level issue only happens in Barracuda V and latter HDDs. As in former HDD, the controller system is rather simple, so it required small size firmware code, which generally is stored in ROM chip on PCB, so F Level will not exist. However, the code set has become larger and larger since Barracuda V and it can’t be completely stored in ROM chip any more. In the other hand, manufacturer doesn’t want to increase product cost by enlarging the ROM chip capacity, so the code set is divided and stored in both the disk surface and ROM chip. If disk firmware can’t be loaded during initialization after power-up, the HDD will work only in PCB mode, that’s when the F Level shows up.
Causes of F Level includes: damaged head, physical bad sectors in service area, scratches on disk surface, error loading from PCB, incorrect firmware location, firmware error, etc.; all of these will cause HDD to work in F Level.
The Breakthrough: Data Recovery Solution for F Level HDD from SalvationDATAF Level issue in Barracuda 7200.7, Barracuda 7200.8, Barracuda 7200.9 and Barracuda 7200.10 has always been a big problem plaguing data recovery companies. For Barracuda 7200.7, data recovery engineer generally takes HOT SWAP PCB for trial and error to recover data from HDD working in F Level, which is proved to be working in some cases. But it doesn’t work for latter HDDs like Barracuda 7200.8, 7200.9 and 7200.10. This is because the latter HDDs are designed on different architecture with a big change in service area and HOT SWAP fails.
As there are various causes of F Level problem, it increases the difficulty of data recovery from F Level HDD. However, now SalvationDATA has worked out the key technology which enables the data recovery from F Level HDD, and the complete solution will be released as an upgrade to HD Doctor for Seagate in the near future, and of course it will be free of charge for all our customers as usual.
In this information age, more and more companies and individuals begin to understand the importance of data recovery industry. As one of the biggest data recovery R&D companies, SalvationDATA is engaged in technology research of data security and recovery, with 8 years efforts, SalvationDATA has provided tens of unique achievements in data recovery applications, and save countless value loss for customers.
The way forward mission for SalvationDATA is to solve data recovery problems, focus on research from damaged drive data recovery, develop more convenient data recovery solutions to satisfy the global increasing data recovery needs and protect computer users’ legal security rights.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Monday, January 19, 2009
DATA Compass Demo
You can watch it at http://www.diskdatarecoverytools.com/data-compass-introduction/index.html
Since our reseller will do the free demo tomorrow (20th Jan 2009). Hereby we wish it will be a great success.
We also will be on Chinese Spring Festival from 24th to 2nd Feb. Happy new year to everyone all over the world.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Current Situation and Trend of Data Recovery Market
Data recovery is the process of extracting data from damaged, failed, corrupted, or inaccessible secondary storage media when it cannot be accessed normally. There is a statistic showing the causes of data loss as bellow:

As in all data recovery operations, data recovery is really a very specialized work which requires the professional knowledge and specific technicians to finish. There are primarily two recovery types---- Physical data recovery and logical data recovery.
Physical Data Recovery is the recovery of data when there is a physical problem with the components of the disk which prevent the data from being read normally. This type of recovery may include dealing with issues such as deteriorating magnetic coatings, cracked or broken reels/cartridge shells, creased tape edges, twisted or folded tape, stretched or broken tape, etc.The problem caused by physical are often difficult to handle, but recovery of these types can usually be achieved in the high 98% range. That is the main recovery task for a data recovery company in home and out data recovery market.
Logical data recovery is the recovery of data where a file system has been left in an inconsistent state, and the data cannot be read. This can be due to power outages, system crashes, as well as hardware and drive failure. Recovery methods include repair to and/or by pass of allocation tables, and multiple passes using specialist recovery software and firmware. It is typically the most difficult, and consequently, the most expensive which requires the professional recovery tools or solutions.
After about 10 years development, data recovery has not formed a mature industrial chain yet and there is still no formal regulations in this fast-growing market. Most data recovery service operators don’t have the enough technology or the euipment to do this service well. Although data recovery service can be found in every corner of the earth, professional recovery (data recovery from HD with mechanical and/or firmware failure) are quite rare. HDD technologies and elites are far from professional for this big potential market. Especially for the logical data recovery, many people in this field have are lacking of the conception of logical data recovery. Their operations are all a simple repair of the hard disk. They didn’t do the recovery logically and radically. As a result, ther problems come back again after a short period and their called logical recovery finally result in a failure.
Therefore, how to strength and promote data recovery, eapecially the logical data recovery becomes the new task in nowadays data recovery field. SalvationDATA are the world leading data recovery solution provider with a fine repute. We aim at establishing a long and stable cooperation with you to bring more profits for your data recovery business.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Data Compass--A must have tool for data recovery gurus
Dear friends,
Are you still in the old era of a disk to disk Imaging and then Recover Data by using some logical recovery programs? How much time you have to waste on the undesired documents of customers?
Are you still searching the compatible head stack all over the world for cases caused by unstable head? How long you need to wait? For one week or one month?
Bothered by nagging clients who are sitting in your office, who insist on request an instant data recovery job? To this kind of clients, data recovery is as easy as making a cup of instant coffee!
Is it the crucial time for you to make an important decision for IT business in the crunch of Financial Crisis? How about Data Recovery Business? Once-for-all investment, long term profits!
How many tasks you have missed due to above reasons? How many customers turn to your competitors? How many nights and how much eye strain on “hard” drive which need firmware restoration first and image next and logical recovery last?
Is there an easy device which can solve all the problems to save your time and cost? Is there a solution which can recover the exact desirable data from bad sectors haunted drives?
Data Compass can fix physical problems, for example, bad sectors problems which caused by scratch in SA, read the Case Study here. The SA Emulation is the trend of up to date technology.
You needn’t look for the donor head aimlessly. For the HPESS (High Power Efficiency Supply System) can enhance the head's read and write ability to the utmost limit of the factory design and read more 30% data out . Besides, it can prevent the endless clicking caused by the head read failure.
The innovative ShadowDisk™ technology, which can prevent repetitive read attempts on bad sectors of the source disk. How the ShadowDisk™ can improve your work? Click here.
Unique Smart Bad Sector DBER(Dynamic-Balanced Enhanced Read) function, With built-in optimized algorithm,it can recover more data at least 40% than normal imaging tools.
Read the detailed Data Sheet
How can IT industry survive from the Financial Crisis
On Sept 30 2008, Steve Ballmer, CEO of Microsoft spoke at a news conference in Norway "We have a lot of business with the corporate sector as well as with the consumer sector and whatever happens economically will certainly effect itself on Microsoft," he told Reuters.
"I think one has to anticipate that no company is immune to these issues," he said,
Meantime, stock price of Apple dropped 40% during 6 weeks. On the other hand, according to the Forrester’s survey(a research company based in USA), nearly 43% company cut down the budget on IT to deal with the financial crisis, and more than 49% IT dept in financial industry has the same planning.
Furthermore, from the majority IT Company’s third quarter Financial Report, we can see the whole industry meet a large decline in sales; it marks that the winter for IT industry coming.
Why financial crisis affect IT industry?
As we know, financial industry is the most important factor in the economy development. When financial organization suffered a great loss, the financial crisis will become credit crisis. It means currency circulation crisis, then it’s very difficult for us to borrow money from bank. Without the support from financial organizations, a large amount of companies will meet a financial shortage and have to cut down the budget.
Secondly, due to the shrinking discretionary spending, people can not figure out the trend of Financial Crisis and no one can say how much it will affect our business and life. The so corporations and individuals keep their pocket tight and wait and see; it is going to affect business investment on IT products consumer spending.
Thirdly, each industry is connected and affected by the economic structure. Since the bankruptcy of banks and financial organizations, how can IT industry be immune from this crisis but ignoring the interactional linkage?
Is there any solution for IT Firms to survive from the financial crisis?
The answer is absolutely yes. Those are “innovation in technology, switch or begin into new business sector” can definitely survive and grow their business, though the financial crisis took all us to a predicament.
Nevertheless, Crisis not only gives us challenge but also Opportunity. Challenge and Opportunity are twins and often appear simultaneously.
Let’s analyze the current situation in IT Industry. Since the shrinking purchase power, most companies would prefer to maintain and repair their IT hardware instead of buying new ones. For the IT service/Repair Firms, they will not decrease but get more business.
However, we can not ignore the crisis and wait passively. We have to expand our business arrange and survive from it.
For example, IT firms can invest and start new business in IT industry, such as computer application service, computer maintenance data backup/recovery and etc.
Along with the proliferation of computers in business, the demand for various incidental IT services is increasing. Data recovery service is one of these incidental services and the most promising one.
Why Data Recovery is a most promising service for IT firms?
Firstly, Data loss not only means a large sum of cost wasting for companies. It also hampers routines and slows down development of enterprise. So if there is any way to rescue the data and avoid the loss, all companies are willing to accept and buy the service.
Secondly, IT firms have one unique advantage to start Data Recovery Service. Mostly, Data loss is always companied by computer crash. When Computer Crash happened, most clients wouldn’t realize that they need data recovery service. They prefer to call IT service companies to repair their computer. So if IT firms can provide data recovery service while clients need it, it is very favorable for both clients and IT firms.
Thirdly, data recovery is new and it has bright prospective future. If you heard of the JBL ad on airplane and know JBL starts providing Data Recovery Service, how will you react on that?
So for most IT firms, Data Recovery Service can be new revenue.
What Procedure is Data Recovery assignment involved?
The following three issues are critical for your data recovery business. They includes the first (Technical Know-How) and the last two (Marketing Plan and Financial Resources) followed only if you can handle the first.
Technical Know-How: As this industry is professional, specialized know-how is required to handle the varied types of data recovery assignments. Generally speaking, there is 3+1 work flow applicable to all data recovery case:
Of all the stages, Stage 3--Data Retrieval, is the most widely spread and long-running; all data recovery companies, even end users, by downloading software, can handle mission of this stage easily. But according to SalvationDATA experts only 30 to 40 percent of all data recovery cases are simply stage 3 cases. The left percentage requires an ability to handle with the stage 2 and stage plus 1 issue.
Stage 2, Disk data Extraction, is also widely known and adopted as “disk imaging” by data recovery services nowadays. But to SalvationDATA, according our experience with lots of potential clients, they perform this important stage using ghosting tools designed for and work on good HDDs only, not the patient HDDs that are unstable or inaccessible because of media defects and instable head, which are common challenges of Stage 2 in practice. Even more, with those traditional imaging tools, the time involved and the ordinary user-level repeated-read access to the media bring a risk of damaging the disk and head, making data lost irretrievable.
Stage 1, Drive Diagnosis & Restoration, is the primary stage in a broad sense data recovery flow but in fact deals with the deepest level in 3+1 broad sense data recovery flow. Unfortunately this Stage 1 is missing from most of the data recovery services or even noticed but was being done in a zigzag procedure or simply incorrectly due to lack of proper tools, meaning that they are putting away customers and profits. Our data has shown that up to 40% of data recovery cases have Stage 1 issues; and that IS NOT what going to happen that we can skip Stage 1 and perform Stage 2 and 3 and still to get certain percentage of data. You CAN NOT get anything in case you are not capable for the primary stage.
Plus 1, it refers to Head or Platter Exchanger when encountered with motor seizure or head crash. This kind of problem often happens where the Drive is clicking or dropping from height. Concerning this issue, you need to replace the components and fix the mechanical malfunction first.
From above 3+1 work flow, you may get know the basic guidance of data recovery.
Then let’s move the following 2 factors which are relevant to your data recovery service.
Marketing Plan: It is the same as other service you are engaged in. It needs marketing plans and strategy. You should think more about customers’ convenience, satisfaction, price setting, and target market. If possible, you need advertising on different mediums too.
Financial Resources: Of course you need budget to get the business started before you benefit from your investment. You need facilities like a Clean Room and equipments to carry out the assignments. You also need to pay expensive technicians.
Supposing the Marketing and Financial investment are not the barriers to stop you, then you need think more about the facilities and data recovery equipments.
I have to admit that Data Recovery is a game for professionals and engineers to play, it is impossible to get started without any HDD Data Recovery Equipments provider.
SalvationDATA technology LLC, not unacquainted name in Data Recovery Industry, is the biggest and cost-effective solution provider all over the world. Our free technical support & Remote assistance and free updates, enhance the industry beginners’ confidence greatly and assist them to enter the industry as soon as possible.
We are the leading company in this industry and we have Data Compass, HD Doctor Suite and HPE pro. These products are aiming at different stages of Data Recovery. The HD Doctor Suite is aimed especially at Stage 1 (Drive In-depth diagnosis and Restoration ) and Data Compass at Stage 2 (disk data extraction) + 3 (data retrieval)and HD HPE pro at Plus 1 (Head or Platter Exchanger when encountered with motor seizure or head crash).
America Market Department is committed to providing with top service and support for clients from United States, Canada, Brazil, Mexico and Columbia and etc. If you need a data recovery solution, please feel free to contact us.
Latest Version of Data Compass Explorer
We have released the high-level software , integrated with Data Compass, which will replace Dr-Studio and effectively work out those problems intervening Dr-Studio.
Compared with Dr-Studio, Data Compass Explorer adopts "layered read operation", so as to read MFT area directly, access root catalog.
with optimal choice, customers can dig down into the exact desired data. It maximally saves time of recovering. If using Dr-Studio high-level software performs a data recovery, especially for severe hard drive bad sector or physical damages, the computer will easily crashed in a fake way or with no response due to the profound scan and one-line technology.
Here we list main features of DCEXP, please refer to user manual for details.
1. Adopt “Layered Scan Technology”, maximally save time from data recovery
2. Fast and effectively extract specified user files.
3. Imaging: during the data recovery, it allows users to image data fully from the source drive, partition, or any LBA area. As a target, it can reach far to files, or disk. There are also some handy functions like fast clockwise, fast reverse, exact clockwise and exact reverse for example. Meanwhile, it can also allow recovering data fast and effectively from any bit of data via “Bitmap Technology”.
4. Reflect real-time situation of data imaging, which provide direct views for the whole drive data recovery progress rate.
5. Real-time fast statistics of the imaging task.
6. Maintain high success rate of restoring recoverable data by file correction algorithm.
Clients can go to forum to downlaod the latest version.
America Continent Dept.Direct Phone: (0086) 28 68599758
Fax: (0086) 28 68107757
Friday, January 9, 2009
Free Data Compass Demonstration in New Jersey, USA

Free Data Compass Demonstration in New Jersey, USA
The purpose of the free demonstration is to offer an opportunity for our potential clients to know particular functions and advantages of Data Compass. SalvationDATA America Continent Market Dept. also wants to help more IT firms to expand business into data recovery and survive from the recession.
Place: 3681 Highway 9, Suite 25Freehold, New Jersey, USA (Google Map).
Date: Tuesday January 20, 2009.
The course contains Data Recovery Terms, Data Compass Function Demonstration, Case Study /hands-on Practice and & Answers. James Gao, a guru who has been in data recovery industry since 1993, is profound in data recovery theory and practice. As the SalvationDATA Authorized Reseller, he will answer your questions on behalf of SalvationDATA technology, LLC.
As many clients expect to join our Christmas Promotion, we have decided to extend this promotion to the end of this month (31 Jan 2009). Anyone who purchases Data Compass on this Demonstration Day can get the latest HD Doctor for Seagate at the price of $100, which is best solution for Seagate HD (supports Barracuda 7200.11) in the world with the newest upgrade
SalvationDATA America Market Dept.
Today is the birthday of our company blog--9th Jan 2009.
My name is Laura and I am in charge of SalvationDATA America Continent Region. I work with my team members :Jessie Yang, Angel and Vice Sales Manager--Susan.
The purpose of this blog is to open a platform for communications between SalvationDATA and Clients. Also, it is a place we can share our latest techniques and research with everyone who is interested in data recovery, forensics and data security.
Along with the computer raising, digital data becomes so important and valuable for everyone. People pay more and higher attention to data recovery and data security. As the best data security solution provider, SalvationDATA would like provide with more cost-effective, powerful and easy devices and equipment.
Thank you for your support to us!
Best Regards
Laura Lee
Marketing Manager of America Market